Monsta Trucks is an action-comedy series set in a twilight world inhabited by machines on wheels. The series is based on the lives the Monsta Trucks and their continual clashes with their arch enemy Van Hellsing, who rules Trucksylvania with his tyrannical presence and polluting ways. It’s Jam-packed with colorful characters, dramatic stories and, of course, thrilling stunts, awesome races, and big truck mashups.
Monsta Trucks é uma série de ação e comédia ambientada em um mundo crepuscular habitado por máquinas sobre rodas. A série é baseada nas vidas dos Monsta Trucks e seus contínuos confrontos com seu arqui-inimigo Van Hellsing, que comanda a Trucksylvania com sua presença tirânica e jeitos poluidores. É repleto de personagens coloridos, histórias dramáticas e, claro, acrobacias emocionantes, corridas fantásticas e grandes mashups de caminhões.
3D Generalist
UE4 Generalist
Developer (Maya / UE4)
I have developed some tools to improve the pipeline and increase performance on workflow.
• PBTools Maya/UE4
• Characters Automation [UE4]
• Fur Pipeline [UE4]
• Turntable Automation [UE4]